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Technology solutions for home use

Private Cloud

Have an exclusive network in the cloud

Our private cloud service will bring your company a series of cloud computing services built on a dedicated network. That is, without sharing space with the general public. The use of a private cloud brings many advantages to the company, mainly having technological resources in a way that is more targeted to its specific business. Knowing this, we prepare complete services to help your company to be in that next level.

Our benefits

By contracting our private cloud service, you and your company will be able to enjoy, among other things,:

Adequacy of systems and services

We performed a complete x-ray understanding which services and systems can be taken to a private cloud. In addition, we adapt everything necessary in terms of legacy systems and new technologies. With that, your team doesn't need to spend hours or days adapting to the new model, as we perform a quick and guided installation to make it easier to use. So, just talk to us about which systems should go to the cloud and we'll study the possibilities.

Installation and maintenance support

All installation and maintenance are carried out with care and in partnership with your company, ensuring that you have a complete follow-up of all steps, including knowing exactly how the process will be carried out. In practice, this makes it more visible and provides a better understanding of the advantages of using it. In addition, we carry out a post-installation follow-up to make sure that it is running as expected.


Despite the private cloud being a solution for everyone, there is no standard, and each server can and should be created especially for the company in question. With this, we work in detail to bring functional solutions to your business.

Advantages of Private Cloud

Knowing what a private cloud is, you can better understand why its use is so popular right now. In practice, this is mainly due to the cloud's ability to optimize internal processes and ensure better service management.



Nowadays, being scalable is a premise for any business. That is, when your system needs to receive a greater number of requests, it needs to be hosted on a server that allows this receipt without the occurrence of errors. In this case, it's as if your site were to receive twice as many people on a given day, and not for an instant suffer from crashes or slowdowns. In an increasingly globalized and digitized world, having this guarantee of scalable services is a differentiator.

cost reduction

The cloud as a whole helps a lot when it comes to reducing costs and optimizing company expenses. In that sense, it's a great option for anyone who wants to stop paying storage, electricity, support or even specialized people bills, just to keep the local server. In the cloud, maintenance services are all borne by the provider, causing their costs to decrease considerably. With less costs, money can be redirected to other sectors and help the company grow.


The internet has become a dangerous world, especially with the increase in the number of attacks and intrusions. It doesn't matter if your business is medium or large, as several small companies have already reported attacks against their systems. The cloud is able to offer a much greater security apparatus, including against physical problems such as simply having a problem with the company's machine. Being hostage to natural losses is not exactly recommended.


Going against scalability, availability is also a key feature to stay alive on the internet today. In addition, it is a principle of information security, highlighting the need to maintain it. The cloud allows your data to be available to users and providers whenever necessary, without physical limitations or possible service outages. In practice, it is even a way of guaranteeing the trust of its customers.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.