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Technology solutions for home use

Smart House

Home more
comfortable and facilitated.

Nowadays, one of the main actions in homes around the world is the automation of several actions considered routine. In this sense, we are talking about the so-called smart home, responsible for making the lives of the residents of the place more comfortable and easier.

The computing infrastructure of a smart home is one of the best actions for those who want to have more practicality in everyday life. With that in mind, we offer a service based on molding and structuring every point in your home to assemble something functional.

Whether in the automation of just one room or the entire house, we are ready to offer the best options and make your daily actions more flexible.

How it works?

Our service is based on building an intelligent and functional ecosystem in your home, with arrangements to make everything as simple as possible to be moved later.

With this, you can opt for the automation of lights, TV sets, fans, doors and windows, cameras, among others. In practice, everything you need for your home to become more practical.

Therefore, the smart home is mainly based on the synergy between all the equipment, making its use capacity much greater by the resident. Also, here, there is even greater research on what the user is willing to have control over.

In other words, the resident needs to know what he wants to automate, thinking mainly about quality of life. After all, not everything that is automated will, in fact, make a significant difference.

Our project

Maybe you're still wondering how exactly this service model would work, so let's talk a little more about it and how it can help you.
In all, we performed at least six steps, described below.

Requirements analysis The

Most important part of the entire project, the requirements analysis is done as soon as you contact us requesting our services. With it, we can ask questions to better understand what your need is and what would actually make a difference in your daily use. In addition, it is at this moment that you have complete freedom to say a little more than you expect, aligning expectations so that everything turns out in the best possible way. In this case, we also survey the technical aspects of your residence, such as support capacity, installation and use of the equipment studied below.

Prototype Diagramming

After a lot of theoretical part putting together a true summary of everything you expect in your smart home computing infrastructure, we performed the prototype diagram. With this diagram, you can directly analyze what the finished project would look like. It is also thanks to the prototype that we were able to list which products would be used for the entire infrastructure, facilitating the client's visualization and our future research. With this, we ensure that everything goes exactly as expected and discussed during the first stage.


In the budget part, we are going to select all the products necessary for the prototype to become reality. That is, we budget the values of all equipment and the cost of total implementation of the infrastructure. During the budget, the total cost of the project begins to become more tangible for the client, in addition to becoming easier to visualize it.

Installation and compliance with standards

If everything goes well and the customer accepts the proposed budget, we carry out the entire installation of the equipment according to the prototype defined above. In this sense, the client does not need to worry about this step. In addition to installing, we also carry out the entire process of adapting the equipment to the so-called technical standards, leaving the environment well equipped and, more than that, safe.

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Want to know more about how our smart home computing infrastructure service works?
Just get in touch and we'll start our conversations!