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Preservation of collections

Preservation Plan Consultancy

Comprehensive understanding of all standards applied to archival science

The preservation of collections needs to be done based on a preservation plan, used to determine what the steps will be and how these steps should be carried out. Putting together a preservation plan requires an ability to fully understand all the technical standards applied to archival science, especially with regard to keeping archives usable. In this sense, we offer a complete consultancy to help your company when carrying out this procedure. For this, we deliver a complete document with all the rules, steps and specifications necessary for preservation to be carried out within the norms. In addition, through these rules, it is possible to safely guarantee that the preserved files are in fact remaining as the original. In practice, it works as a great certificate of safety and procedure.

What is a preservation plan?

Conceptually speaking, the preservation plan is nothing more than a document that assembles the entire planning process and structure of the activities necessary for the preservation of collections in digital media. If the process is done in any way, it will possibly generate confusion between what is being done and what should be in order to comply with basic preservation technical standards. Nowadays, the preservation of collections follows a maxim: security and availability of archives. In practice, this means saying the process must be done in such a way that it can guarantee that the files will be accessed when needed. In addition, the main objective of the preservation plan is to guarantee the safety of that collection, preventing external factors from causing any type of inconvenience, both physical and alteration of important information.

What is contained in our preservation plan?

When hiring our consulting service, we prepare a complete and official document with the necessary guidelines for your preservation process. In this case, clearly, some steps need to be included for the process to occur. Some of these specifications that can be found in the plan are:
Recommendations for building files

Despite being a plan to preserve files that have already been created, the document will also help when thinking about how new collections should be created. In this case, taking into account warehouses, shelves, lighting conditions, among others.


The preservation plan needs to contain a good basis for how monitoring should be done, especially to be able to act against internal or external offenders. In this case, rules are contained for the maintenance and use of files on a day-to-day basis.


Para falar em preservação, o acondicionamento não pode estar de fora das etapas principais do processo, trazendo especificações para cada tipo de arquivo, dependendo principalmente do seu tamanho e da sua natureza.

Em geral, os documentos, no momento de acondicionar, são divididos em:

  • Large format documents;
  • Magnetic media;
  • Text documents;
  • Digital documents;


One of the most important points that need to be contained in the conservation plan is degrading. That is, everything that somehow can generate a direct reaction in the documents.

Therefore, the preservation plan should contain, among other things:

  • Environmental factors;
  • Physical agents;
  • Biological agents;
  • Disasters.

By hiring our service, all these stages of analysis and setting up a preservation plan are up to us, so you have the security of following the processes properly and within what the legislation expects.


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