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General Data Protection Law

We carry out a complete job of adapting your company and its services to the LGPD - General Data Protection Law, with the aim of leaving your processes in compliance. As well as being legally required, it also demonstrates respect for your customers.

Thinking about it, we created a real support to help your business, bringing the main points of the law and which of them your company is encompassed. Of course, everything is based on the legal texts, with no room for external interpretation.

By complying with the law, you guarantee that your business will not suffer sanctions for any negligence. Naturally, when we try to do it on our own, we can end up missing something due to lack of experience.

For this reason, here we carry out a professional consultancy on the subject, where we will first do an x-ray of your business and understand how it works. From this, we create immediate solutions so that your company is within the legality. Each sector works in a different way, but everyone must be following the LGPD unrestrictedly. Therefore, understanding what you do and what your daily demands are helps you understand exactly what needs to be adjusted. For example, if you use contact forms, you must comply with what the law says about consenting to further email submissions. In this case, it is just one of several points addressed within the general law.

What is LGPD?

Created in 2018 as Law 13,709, the General Data Protection Law has been completely changing the way companies behave on the internet. In fact, it arrived to solve several problems involving misuse of data. Therefore, one of the main points is the conceptualization of what personal data would be, that is, what cannot be used for campaigns in general. Furthermore, it is directly linked to using data more carefully. Therefore, we offer the adequacy service so that your company can carry out the correct treatment of the collected data. In general, the law is based on treating data correctly, in addition to outlining a basic process for their use. Some important treatments are to allow a user to simply request that their data no longer be used, and the same must be met. In addition, you can request the transfer of this data or even revoke a previously given consent.

Inspection and punishments

All inspections of incidents directly linked to the LGPD are supervised by the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. That is, the ANPD. In the process, orientation and prevention actions are carried out. Despite still being very new compared to other laws in our order, the LGPD has been treated as a great achievement for information security. Because of this, adapting your company is not just an obligation, but a recommendation. Many customers and users are already aware of the law, and know that they have data that cannot be used. In that sense, trying to insist on the error can cause serious problems for your business. With that in mind, we decided to provide the service of complete adaptation of your online activities, so that everything is done as required by the General Data Protection Law. So, if you have questions about the whole process, you can contact us to better understand how we can help you to regularize.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.