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Information Security


WAF is the acronym for Web Application Firewall

Information security is going through delicate and increasingly demanding times, so one of the main ways to ensure data security is with the installation of the WAF service. For this, we will explain better what we are talking about

First, WAF is the acronym for Web Application Firewall which, in literal translation, means Firewall of web applications. Thus, it is already possible to see what its main role is. WAF is a system that creates a barrier between your website and the rest of an internet network. That is, everything that reaches your site must first pass through the WAF and, therefore, is very effective against various attacks such as:

  • DDoS;
  • SQL injections;
  • Spammers

You may have heard about many firewall systems and may be wondering how the WAF differs from them. In practice, the WAF is concerned with protecting you, your website, application, etc. With this, it differs from others that basically focus on protecting the user who accesses the site, and not vice versa. By contracting our services, you will be able to understand even more about this powerful attack inhibitor, capable of effectively helping your business not to suffer from digital invasions.

How to install?

Because it is very versatile, WAF can be installed in many different ways, such as in the cloud, on the network and on hosting. Below, we will discuss each of them.


These are easier implementations to be carried out, mainly due to the fact that the cloud is already more simplified. Thus, a DNS change is enough for all the traffic on your network to first reach the WAF and then go to your website of origin. In addition, they have a lower cost, being updated more recurrently and easier too.


The network WAF is hard-wired directly into the hardware and is installed on site, with no latency concerns, for example. As a result, it is the most expensive option available due to the displacement and installation required for effective use, in addition to the need for efficient storage.


It is very similar to the network WAF, but it has a greater ability to be customized. The great disadvantage of this model is the implementation, which is not usually simple, in addition to requiring a maintenance cost.

Benefits of WAF

But, if you hire the service, what are the direct and real benefits of a WAF?

Wide protection

The main advantage of a WAF is to be known to combat the main digital threats, listed by the open security project in web applications. Among them, we can mention SQL injection, XSS, control access break, among others. In other words, it is an already consolidated system against real threats.

Cost benefit

It is evident that it takes an investment to contract the WAF service, however, all this is compensated by the reduction of malicious traffic. In practice, when an attack occurs and the number of requests increases greatly, network consumption is highly affected, raising normal numbers. With the WAF, the traffic is now controlled, avoiding this overflow.

Protection before trouble

Often, attacks occur through the use of systems and applications that seek to identify an attacker after he has already entered your site. In the case of the WAF, it works differently, acting to prevent the attacker from even entering the system and application.

A WAF system is almost mandatory for anyone who wants to avoid headaches with digital security nowadays, which is why it is a technique that is already widely used and that tends to gain more and more market.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.