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Password vault

Business IT Infrastructure

Password Vault

Prevent attackers from gaining access to accounts with low strength passwords

Passwords are essential information security items, even more so when we are dealing with a corporate environment, where there is a lot of sensitive and confidential data. Using weak or the same passwords for all systems is a well-known mistake, but unfortunately still very much committed by large corporations. Generally, password creation and change policies are not well established and enforced. The password vault will act as a centralizing system, capable of preventing intruders from gaining access to systems just because of poorly created passwords with low protection strength. Depending on the system used for this, you may even have a functional restriction, making employees only access sectors with permission for each function they occupy in the company. The main advantage of using the password vault is the encryption implemented, making the system itself very safe to store the access keys. In our service, we carry out the implementation of the system that best meets the needs of your company. Despite the preference for opensource systems, we mainly seek to implement the system that has managed to get closer to the minimum requirements of your business. Knowing this, let's get to know a little about the advantages of using the password vault.

Apesar da preferência pelos sistemas opensource, buscamos principalmente implementar o sistema que tenha conseguido chegar mais próximo dos requisitos mínimos do seu negócio. Sabendo disso, vamos conhecer um pouco das vantagens de uso do cofre de senhas.

Password vault modalities

Currently, two password vault models can be created, the one installed directly on the desktop, locally, and the model that uses cloud computing. Although the cloud is the main choice for several reasons, the local model still has strength in the market. Opting for the local model, although functional, can expose your company to the known problems of any system that runs on physical machines. Therefore, opting for a virtual system is an ever more interesting option. In our service, we use what best suits your business at the moment, always with the recommendation to study the corporate environment and how your employees would adapt to this new password use model. Regardless of the model, the need to create a policy capable of determining the precautions that need to be taken is evident. Thus, knowing the advantages of this service is an important step.


We have already mentioned the fragility of letting each employee create, manage and modify passwords for corporate systems and applications. With that in mind, we can highlight some advantages for joining the password vault. Having a password vault gives the company the freedom to carry out its day-to-day actions in a simpler and safer way, avoiding intruders in every way and guaranteeing data protection in accordance with basic security standards.

Ter um cofre de senha dá para a empresa a liberdade de realizar suas ações no dia a dia de maneira mais simples e segura, evitando de todas as formas a ação de invasores e garantindo a proteção de dados de acordo com as normas básicas de segurança.

  • No reuse

    One of the major problems is the fact that employees use the same passwords for all possible applications and systems, considerably facilitating access to different systems and applications.
  • Centralization

    All important passwords will always be stored within a single environment, specified for each employee with their respective access keys.
  • Sharing

    If necessary, a good password vault also allows passwords to be shared in a secure, centralized and supervised way, preventing theft of information or unauthorized access.
  • Data protection

    The most important of all the reasons cited is the protection of sensitive, confidential data that cannot fall into the hands of intruders. Usually, this is data from customers, suppliers or business partners.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Git Repository

Business IT Infrastructure

Git Repository

Solutions to enable processes asynchronously

With the increase in remote work worldwide, several companies needed to find solutions to enable processes asynchronously, especially in the technology sector. For this, one of the most efficient solutions is to create a GIT Repository, which is basically a large private git repository, especially for companies or people who want to have their own servers. In practice, this means that the company no longer depends on third-party servers, which would always be subject to instability problems, system outages or other problems that the company itself cannot control. Having your own server online is an important step towards having more autonomy, giving more scope to the team that will use it, in addition to guaranteeing the security of developments based only on the specifications of the created server. With this, the company ceases to depend on a third-party server and starts to control its own applications. To implement this service, we performed the installation and configuration of the GitLab server, one of the main systems nowadays.

Com isso, a empresa deixa de depender do servidor de terceiros e passa a controlar suas próprias aplicações. Para implementar esse serviço, realizamos a instalação e configuração do GitLab server, um dos principais sistemas hoje em dia.

How does Gitlab work ?

Gitlab server works as a great git manager, capable of creating private servers for systems to run depending only on who created it. Furthermore, installing and configuring gitlab is simpler than other repositories. To get an idea of ​​the size of the repository, gitlab is used by giant companies worldwide, such as IBM, Alibaba and NASA itself. That is, it is a server capable of covering and handling a high number of requests and calls. With this, we can find several advantages in using a private repository, especially when dealing with a server capable of offering good performance even when requested in an expressive way. The use of gitlab server is highly recommended for anyone who wants to have more organized and, above all, efficient technical development processes. Through it, it is possible to control in a practical way the versions that can or cannot be uploaded in projects that are in progress. Likewise, it ends up becoming a great training space for new employees, which also facilitates integration. There are many possible applications for a git repository within a company, and knowing these possibilities can open new doors for your performance.

How to use a git repository in the enterprise?

The main application is to have a centralization of information about a certain project. In this case, all employees involved can have easy access to the project description, needs and next steps, helping with communication. This type of action inhibits, among other things, mistaken climbs and possible loss of systems, information and data. In practice, having a dedicated and exclusive server is one of the best ways of managing activities within a company. When this repository exists, each person involved in the action can have a clearer view of what their tasks will be and what is expected of each one of them. Likewise, it is possible to even monitor actions and updates. All these features directly contribute to the success of the company, in addition to being a great tool for communication between teams. Currently, there are more than 3 million companies that use repositories services for their business.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Asset monitoring

Business IT Infrastructure

Asset monitoring

Monitor to ensure the full functioning and offer of services and products.

Monitoring the assets of a business is one of the most important actions to ensure the full functioning and offer of services and products. In this sense, we offer a complete service using the Zabbix server. Conceptually speaking, asset monitoring works with real-time simulation of how users tend to behave at certain points in the system. That is, it is a way of measuring how the network is performing and how it behaves with requests. It is important to point out that this is not a simulation of attacks nor a way to monitor real users. In fact, asset monitoring will rely on these users to create its own simulation and test the response obtained by the systems. In addition, asset monitoring will also help in understanding how the network can be modified to improve its final performance, generating a better and more efficient response.

How important is asset tracking?

When modeling and configuring systems, it is natural to expect full operation without major complications. However, it is not always possible to have this guarantee completely at the time of development. In addition, monitoring and analyzing day-to-day behavior is considered a basic attitude, especially if you think about the constant change that the network can suffer from accesses and requests. Because of this, carrying out asset monitoring is one of the most efficient ways to try to ensure the complete functioning of your system. In addition to a security issue, monitoring also helps to ensure one of the pillars of information security: availability. Through monitoring, it is possible to know, for example, whether your system is capable of withstanding a sudden increase and a change in user behavior. Since, of course, it is almost impossible to predict these more sudden changes. Carrying out the monitoring depends on specialized software and professionals in the area, therefore, all our services are carried out through the Zabbix server, one of the main systems for monitoring assets on the market.

Zabbix Server

Zabbix server is a network monitoring software, being completely open source, it is ideal to have an x-ray of the functioning of your business. Thus, it is possible to have access to complete and explanatory reports, bringing with details how your network is behaving at the moment. In addition, the system also allows a notification system, responsible for providing real-time visibility so that actions can be taken. The great advantage of using Zabbix is ​​its versatility regarding the size of companies. Regardless of whether you have a small, medium or large company, it becomes extremely functional and capable of delivering the expected results. Likewise, it is often used for future planning, as mentioned above. With well-produced reports, you can access a possibility of future planning for capacity improvement. You can hardly have this systemic view just based on achism and daily visualization.
Because of this, having specialized software on the subject is capable of helping a lot in decision making. In general, we can mention some of the Zabbix Server monitoring features: With this, it is possible to perceive that it is a complete software, capable of helping and giving ways for the company to carry out its internal improvement actions.

Com isso, é possível perceber que se trata de um software completo, capaz de auxiliar e dar caminhos para a empresa realizar suas ações de melhorias internas.

  • Agentless

    That is, without the need for an agent, applied to several protocols;
  • Auto-discovery

    In an automatic item discovery;
  • Low Level Discovery

    When metrics are discovered when certain items are selected, properly monitored.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Virtual Workstation

Business IT Infrastructure

Virtual Workstation

The great advancement of Remote Work

Remote work came with a great need for companies to adapt. Among these adaptations, the main one is the connection with the company's systems to be able to carry out necessary work. Generally, connections are made via VPN, a simpler and more direct connection to the systems. However, it is not the safest action to take. In this sense, learn a little more about our virtual workstation service and the advantages of implementing this digital solution in your company. After all, security is never too much nowadays, and your company cannot have its systems unduly exposed.

How does a virtual workstation work ?

A virtual workstation will mainly try to be a replica of the company's original machine, with all known files, programs and systems. However, this station is only accessed in the cloud, on the network, and not in the physical sector. In other words, a virtual computer will mirror the same operating system previously used, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, just by logging into the corporate network. In practice, all security applications are also added to the stations, making them work as a kind of security. With this, the client starts to directly access this virtual machine, and not the physical machine. This type of shielding is essential to ensure security, as it prevents malicious software from being sent during the processes carried out. Currently, many companies still opt for the simple connection via VPN. However, this type of connection goes directly to the company's computing infrastructure, causing strong exposure to viruses and attacks. Our service is completely focused on creating virtual workstations to protect your company, your employees and your customers!


In addition to the security mentioned above, it is also possible to find other advantages in hiring the virtual workstation service:
  • Accessibility

    With virtual stations, your employees can access the company's systems from anywhere in the world, simply by connecting directly to the network. Therefore, it ends up contributing a lot to the agility of the processes.
  • More than one user

    When the stations are virtual, you can use the same machine for more than one person, especially when there are different shifts and an obvious division can be made.
  • Support

    Because it is something personalized, support is easier, faster and standardized. In addition, the needs can be centralized in a single center, responsible for the maintenance of the stations as a whole.
  • Secure data

    Speaking of security, another important point is the fact that the data center is located in large companies and reference in the subject. Therefore, it ends up being an efficient way to avoid problems of loss of information or any other inconvenience due to lack of data security.

How it works

First, we carried out a consultancy to explain the process in detail, including the advantages and differences of the virtual work system for a common VPN connection, for example. Afterwards, we conduct a requirements survey and establish priorities with the company to determine what the next steps will be, including implementation and monitoring. All decisions taken for the implementation are carried out with the help of the company, to ensure that everything is within the process already carried out traditionally. Finally, after implementation, we also offer complete support for maintaining and monitoring results.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Technology solutions for home use


Quality and performance

For those who are in the computer games team, you certainly know how difficult it is to find a good infrastructure to handle all those games, right? With that in mind, we offer a complete support service for the construction of this space. We know the need for hardware for gamer use, including the need for well-defined images and an fps that allows the game to run. So, by hiring our service aimed at gamers, you can have this structure designed exclusively for your space.

Gamer Infrastructure?

When we talk about gamer computing infrastructure, we are facing a greater need for hardware to run programs and applications considered heavy. In addition, the player needs to have a system capable of holding for hours in good quality. Therefore, it is normal that it seems to be a very expensive structure, but in fact, you only need the support of trained professionals. When opting for the service, you will go through the entire questionnaire step that we will talk about below. With this, it is possible to understand what are the expected games, its line of action, how much you will use it daily and how much it requires from a computer system. Once this is done, you will be more able to keep your games with good image, audio, playability and usability qualities. Thus, we can define the gamer computational infrastructure as the combination of all the necessary equipment to have a good gameplay, regardless of what its focus is.

How it works?

Maybe you're still wondering how exactly this service model would work, so let's talk a little more about it and how it can help you. In all, we carried out at least four steps, described below. In addition to installing, we also carry out the entire process of adapting the equipment to the so-called technical standards, leaving the environment well equipped and, more than that, safe.

Além de instalar, também realizamos todo o processo de adequar os equipamentos com as chamadas normas técnicas, deixando o ambiente bem equipado e, mais do que isso, seguro.

  • Requirements analysis

    The most important part of the entire project, the requirements analysis is done as soon as you contact us requesting our services. With it, we can ask questions to better understand your need and what would actually make a difference in your daily use. In addition, it is at this moment that you have complete freedom to say a little more than you expect, aligning expectations so that everything goes as smoothly as possible. In this case, we also survey the technical aspects of your residence, such as support capacity, installation and use of the equipment studied below.
  • Prototype layout

    After a lot of theoretical part putting together a true summary of everything you expect in your gamer computational infrastructure, we carried out the layout of the prototype. With this layout, you can directly analyze what the finished project would look like. It is also thanks to the prototype that we were able to list which products would be used for the entire infrastructure, facilitating the customer's visualization and our future research. With this, we guarantee that everything goes exactly as expected and talked about during the first stage.
  • Budget

    In the budget part, we will select all the necessary products for the prototype to become a reality. That is, we budgeted the values ​​of all equipment and the total cost of implementing the infrastructure. During the budget, the total cost of the project starts to become more tangible for the client, in addition to becoming easier to visualize.
  • Installation and compliance with standards

    If everything goes well and the customer accepts the proposed budget, we carry out the entire installation of the equipment according to the prototype previously defined. In this sense, the customer does not need to worry about this step.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

Read more …Gamer