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Information Security


SIEM - Security Information and Event Management

Have you ever stopped to think if your security system actually works and protects the data collected and processed by your company? We know that there are many techniques, technologies and tools that claim to provide everything you need to be safe. However, your company needs to know the SIEM technology, whose service we offer for adaptation and installation of everything your company needs! SIEM is nothing more than Security Information and Event Management, in its literal translation. Thus, it is as if the functionalities of several tools were combined and concentrated in a single technology. Hiring our services, we offer all the adequacy of your company, bringing the main tools used within SIEM technology. After all, to be so complete, it needs to encompass a series of tools working together

Understand how it works

SIEM, as a complete technology, works by collecting data from all possible sources to carry out its analyses. In this way, firewall data, host systems, any security device and also antivirus data will be collected. This collection is carried out in a macro way, that is, everything that in some way can help in the analysis of each existing file on the computer and on the respective device. Thus, after collecting all the data, the SIEM proceeds to place labels on this data. When it performs this categorization, it identifies whether a given file could be a threat, and classifies it according to its level of danger. That way, you have all the information you need about that particular file. The great point of use of SIEM is precisely at this moment, when bringing a true report about any suspicious action. Along with this, it brings all the data that is important to try to identify what this particular event is and where it comes from.

Advantages of using SIEM

Now that you already know the technology behind our service, we will present you with the main advantages for your business:

  • Working time

    When you and your team are equipped with a technology like SIEM, alerts of potential problems are in one place. In practice, on a single screen, facilitating analysis and, more than that, facilitating your team's time of action. With this, the chances of an effective attack decrease considerably, since the steps of possible malicious events are predicted more quickly and efficiently.

  • Alerts

    In line with the idea of having quick responses, we have alerts issued by various SIEM tools, where you and your team will be notified of each possible event. These notifications need to be configured according to your company's needs. Thus, with this alert functionality, it is not necessary that you have to wait for someone to arrive and confirm the problem found. In this case, the entire team is directly involved and facilitates action with more autonomy and, above all, more efficiency. Currently, it is possible to know that the vast majority of attacks that cause the most damage, reach this point due to the delay in the company's action, usually because it takes time<>p

We understand the information security problem that the whole world has been experiencing, causing great damage to small and medium-sized companies. Because of this, the adaptation and installation service of SIEM tools is ideal for your company to be increasingly protected.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Information Security


We explain you better about this service

Have you heard of Hardening? If the answer is yes, our service is ready to assist you and apply exactly the steps for your business. If the answer is no, let us explain this service to you better, so that you can also protect your business. First, Hardening is conceptualized as a process performed on systems, using tools and techniques to increase their security level, reducing possibilities of attack. In literal translation, it means hardening. Taking it literally, we are in fact talking about putting as many security items as possible in certain software, aiming at its "shielding". In the end, the main objective is to make any type of invasion as difficult as possible

Advantages of implementing Hardening

Attacks are often canceled due to the difficulty encountered, especially when the reward would not be worth the effort. That is, the time and money that the offender would spend to enter, are not rewarded with what he would gain by entering your systems. Usually, most of the most successful attacks start from default settings present in security tools. Thus, they are ports more than known by attackers, making the attack much easier, and almost impossible to avoid. In this sense, our hardening service will be based on the study of tools and practices to increase the security of your business.

What are the implementation steps?

As it is a process, the hardening service goes through some main steps to be considered finished. Accordingly, we carry out all these steps as carefully as possible. Are they:
  • X-ray of business assets

    During the initial analysis phase, all of your company's assets are scanned and ranked according to their level of exposure. That is, if a given system is very exposed to attacks and what are the reasons for this. Within the reasons, we can deal with the system version, which manufacturer (with due reservations), among others. In this case, a complete expertise is carried out on everything that can influence the safety index.

  • Reference guide

    An important stage of hardening is the search for the reference guide, which is nothing more than a model of inspiration present in the market. Thus, the company can have a good basis of what it expects, as well as the service is carried out more assertively.

  • Implementation level

    After choosing the reference, it is necessary to verify all the documentation, on each of the existing levels in the process. The goal is to prevent incompatibility from occurring.

  • Compatibility - test environment

    Speaking of which, the next step would be exactly the use of a non-productive environment, simulating the same, where configurations are carried out and directly tested, evaluating what the results would be.

  • Compatibility - production environment

    With everything tested and validated, all you have to do is gradually transfer the changes to the official and productive environment. Thus, it needs to be done with small percentages of ascent, to evaluate the results. It is usually the most efficient way to cancel the process at the slightest sign of anomalies.

  • Conformity

    With the process in production, now is the time when tools are used to ensure the efficiency of the application. In this way, they are called stress tests.


In practice, this is what will test whether the production environment identifies anomalies and whether the signals are being issued correctly. That is, the moderators are warned that something is wrong, facilitating the action. Thus, the Hardening implementation service is one of the most important services for any company that seeks to increase its safety indexes.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Information Security


WAF is the acronym for Web Application Firewall

Information security is going through delicate and increasingly demanding times, so one of the main ways to ensure data security is with the installation of the WAF service. For this, we will explain better what we are talking about

First, WAF is the acronym for Web Application Firewall which, in literal translation, means Firewall of web applications. Thus, it is already possible to see what its main role is. WAF is a system that creates a barrier between your website and the rest of an internet network. That is, everything that reaches your site must first pass through the WAF and, therefore, is very effective against various attacks such as:

  • DDoS;
  • SQL injections;
  • Spammers

You may have heard about many firewall systems and may be wondering how the WAF differs from them. In practice, the WAF is concerned with protecting you, your website, application, etc. With this, it differs from others that basically focus on protecting the user who accesses the site, and not vice versa. By contracting our services, you will be able to understand even more about this powerful attack inhibitor, capable of effectively helping your business not to suffer from digital invasions.

How to install?

Because it is very versatile, WAF can be installed in many different ways, such as in the cloud, on the network and on hosting. Below, we will discuss each of them.

  • Cloud

    These are easier implementations to be carried out, mainly due to the fact that the cloud is already more simplified. Thus, a DNS change is enough for all the traffic on your network to first reach the WAF and then go to your website of origin. In addition, they have a lower cost, being updated more recurrently and easier too.

  • Network

    The network WAF is hard-wired directly into the hardware and is installed on site, with no latency concerns, for example. As a result, it is the most expensive option available due to the displacement and installation required for effective use, in addition to the need for efficient storage.

  • Accommodation

    It is very similar to the network WAF, but it has a greater ability to be customized. The great disadvantage of this model is the implementation, which is not usually simple, in addition to requiring a maintenance cost.

Benefits of WAF

But, if you hire the service, what are the direct and real benefits of a WAF?

  • Wide protection

    The main advantage of a WAF is to be known to combat the main digital threats, listed by the open security project in web applications. Among them, we can mention SQL injection, XSS, control access break, among others. In other words, it is an already consolidated system against real threats.

  • Cost benefit

    It is evident that it takes an investment to contract the WAF service, however, all this is compensated by the reduction of malicious traffic. In practice, when an attack occurs and the number of requests increases greatly, network consumption is highly affected, raising normal numbers. With the WAF, the traffic is now controlled, avoiding this overflow.

  • Protection before trouble

    Often, attacks occur through the use of systems and applications that seek to identify an attacker after he has already entered your site. In the case of the WAF, it works differently, acting to prevent the attacker from even entering the system and application.

A WAF system is almost mandatory for anyone who wants to avoid headaches with digital security nowadays, which is why it is a technique that is already widely used and that tends to gain more and more market.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

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Information Security


What is the security level of your system currently?

Do you need to assess how secure your system is currently? Or measure what are the entry possibilities for malicious attacks? If the answer is yes, you need to know the Pentest action, also known as penetration testing. Conceptually speaking, Pentenes is a test performed on the system to assess the quality of security and which attacks are actually inhibited at that time. In this way, it is possible to measure whether the system has vulnerabilities, seeking effective action plans to create a more functional protection barrier. Because of this, pentest is widely used by companies that work with sensitive data such as accounting offices or airlines, for example.

How is the service done?

When hiring a Pentest service, a professional with real knowledge in information security and networks, performs a series of attacks against the contracting company's system. At that time, he can know nothing about the current conditions, to avoid any targeted practice already thinking about this system. Thus, the professional performs the attacks and can set up this process following several guidelines, such as:

  • Social engineering;
  • Check firewalls;
  • Analysis of used ports;
  • Denial of service;
  • Password analysis;
  • How to get company news in the media;
  • Scanning for exploits;
  • Find vulnerabilities.

These are just some of the various ways in which this type of intrusion test works, that is, it is possible to see that it is a job more directed at actually causing stress to the system. In addition, it is important to emphasize that all possibilities are tested, including cases where it has nothing to do with the technical part. This means testing actions such as social engineering, mentioned in the list above. Or, still, the search for open information on the internet. With this, the professional is able to identify whether the company is experiencing some type of vulnerability in information widely disseminated on the network.

Step by step of a Pentest service

By hiring the service to carry out the Pentest, you will be able to follow the entire execution process and its creation stages. So let's go to them:

  • Planning

    The qualified professional first needs to know what the objectives of that test are, that is, at which points the invasion attempt can be made and which cannot be accessed. In addition, the service contract must be duly signed.

  • Scan

    Already in the developer's hands, it's time to put specific tools to scan and make a total x-ray of your entire system. For this, it is possible to carry out a simple analysis and a more complex one, the first of which consists of taking the code of a system and evaluating its construction. On the other hand, it can also be done by putting the application to run and analyzing its code acting in real time.

  • Prohibited

    After discovering the weaknesses and vulnerabilities, access is made directly to the system, that is, it is the part where attacks are effectively carried out. Generally, the main tests consist of dropping backdoors to test the ease of entry and maintenance of the attack. In addition, other attacks such as SQL injection are used. Thus, having managed to enter, the tests are now to identify what is possible to do with that attack carried out, such as changing a password or stealing a database. It is also at this moment that social engineering is carried out, using a company employee who is not aware of the process carried out, so as not to interfere with their participation


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

Read more …Pentest


Information security


One of the best-known information security strategies

The honeypot is one of the best-known and most efficient information security strategies to protect a given system or application. Much of this is due to dealing directly with the more emotional than rational side of a given attacker. In its literal translation, it means honey pot and, in fact, it works as a great attraction for anyone who comes across it. In practice, a honeypot will act by attracting an attacker to a certain location, distracting him from reaching the target, or even destroying it at that moment.

Using this trap, the goal is to get some information about who would be attacking the system, creating a defense mechanism against future attacks. For this, the honeypot will dress up as a defenseless file to attract the attack directly to it. Generally, in large corporations, the honeypot is structured as if it were a personal customer database or even a financial information management system. That is, the most sensitive part of any company. When the attacker is lured and actually arrives at the honeypot, its origin location can be traced and the problem solved. Because it is more of an environment than a system of direct action, it cannot be configured or customized like a firewall, for example

Application of honeypots

Because it has this generalist performance, that is, it can be applied in the most diverse models of action of the company to attract the invader, there are a series of possible applications. Knowing this, the three most common are:

  • Data base

    As we said, pretending to be a database is one of the main features of the honeypot, making it configured for monitoring. Another possible application of the fake database is to actually simulate the original system, making it possible to test the effectiveness of the current safety net. In other words, the honeypot can work not only to lure an attacker, but also to test the system itself against more traditional internet attacks.

  • E-mail

    It is a more complex but extremely functional application to collect dangerous email source. In this application, an e-mail address is created only for subscribing and receiving automatic mailboxes. Thus, if any of them is identified as spam, the sender is placed on the list. In practice, this list can serve to block emails received from official providers, even reducing the chance of opening by someone else who has access.

  • Spider

    The so-called spider is a type of honeypot that seeks mainly to find trackers present on the web. For this, several links and specific pages are created and assembled thinking about reaching these appropriate trackers. Upon arrival, it is possible to collect your origin and carry out the immediate blocking.

Types of honeypot

In addition to several direct applications, the honeypot can have different intensities, depending on your needs and, mainly, the size of your database. When contracting the honeypot service, it is important to determine which of these intensities really suits your business. Often, despite being better, the more intense can put the company in a delicate situation, since it is more exposed on the network. Therefore, it is important to follow up with specialized professionals.

  • ● Low intensity

    Here, the most basic and less demanding tests are carried out, such as the connection test, evaluation of the machine's BIOS, etc. In this type, the company is at very low risk with the implementation, as there are few affected systems to put into action. However, in the same way, it is also simpler for the attacker to realize that he is facing a honeypot and cancel the attack.

  • ● Medium intensity

    It simulates real systems to avoid direct access to the company's system, and is easier to implement than high-intensity ones. In addition, it is also ideal for those looking for a service with greater performance than just the basic implementation plans.

  • ● High intensity

    The high-intensity type needs to be placed with caution, as they are installed on real servers, with real data. With this, it is important that the process is carried out by qualified people, to ensure the isolation of your system throughout the process. In addition, the information collected here is very well detailed and described, bringing in detail everything that was found during the tests performed.


If you want to have a well-built, secure website that will add value to your business, we are ready to serve you in the best possible way. Get in touch, schedule your meeting and let's put your business to grow on the internet.

Read more …Honeypots