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Terms and Conditions of Use for the Corporate Site

We can be contacted by email via our Contact page.

The Brute Force Security Group respects the right to privacy and ensures the security of its users' personal data. Our Privacy Policy clarifies how we collect and use information so that our visitors feel safe when browsing and using our website. In order to provide greater security and transparency, we may periodically amend the Privacy Policy. Please check it periodically, and especially before you provide any personal data. By using this website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

  1. Information collected:

Our server does not automatically collect any information about the domain or email address of our visitors.

We collect only upon prior request, the domain and e-mail address of visitors to our page, the e-mail addresses of those who post messages on our forums, the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us through it. In addition, we aggregate information about which pages consumers access or visit, information voluntarily provided by users, such as that collected in surveys and at the time of registration on the website, such as name and address, telephone number, etc.

By providing information through this website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Use of collected information:

The information we collect is used for the purpose of improving the content of our website, notifying users about available updates, promotions and advertising campaigns for our services.

For statistical and commercial purposes, general user information, without identification, such as geographic, demographic and consumer profile data, may be disclosed to partners, sponsors, advertisers or other organizations, without revealing names or other personal data. .

The Brute Force Security Group does not provide e-mails and other personal information of registered users to other organizations and/or partners, except when expressly authorized or in circumstances provided for in this Policy.

Persons who provide their telephone numbers may be contacted by the Brute Force Security Group via telephone with information regarding new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive these calls, please let us know by sending an email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1. Regarding cookies:

Cookies are used to store user preferences on your computer and provide you with a personalized service. They serve to recognize, track your browsing habits and alert visitors to new areas that may be of interest to them each time they return to our website.

Brute Force Security Group uses cookies, tags and other similar technologies to improve your experience on our website and provide you with information tailored to your needs.

You may refuse cookies. Please refer to your browser instructions to learn more about cookies and how to disable them.

  1. Links to other websites:

This website may contain links to other external sites, partners and/or sponsors, which may have privacy policies different from ours, thus being subject to their own data collection and use practices. Remember that if you provide personal information on other websites, forums or chats, that information may be collected and misused by third parties.

The Brute Force Security Group is not responsible for the content of such sites or the handling of information by third parties. Therefore, we recommend that our users always read the relationship rules and specific privacy policy within the website of the partner or sponsor that collects their information.

The Brute Force Security Group Privacy Policy only applies to information collected by the Brute Force Security Group through the website

  1. Children:

This website is not intended for children under 13 years of age. Brute Force Security Group does not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable data from visitors in this age group, except as permitted by applicable law. Anyone who provides us with personal information through the Brute Force Security Group represents that they are 13 years of age or older.

If your child has submitted personal data and you wish to delete such data from our records, you can do so by requesting to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1. Safety:

Brute Force Security Group uses commercially reasonable security measures to protect the information contained on our servers and database. However, it is known that no security system is 100% secure. Therefore, although the Brute Force Security Group always does its best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of our servers. It is also possible that the data provided by you may be intercepted by third parties during transmission. It is a personal decision to use the service under these conditions.

Your password is secret, keep it safe and try not to share it with anyone.

If you forget your password, a new one will be provided, upon prior request, and sent to your informed email account. We suggest that you choose a non-obvious password, mixing letters and numbers. Remember that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your passwords and any information in your Brute Force Security Group account .

We will not ask, under any circumstances, by e-mail or telephone, for your personal password.

We recommend that you log out of your Brute Force Security Group account and close your browser window when you are finished browsing the Internet. This procedure prevents third parties from having access to your personal data if you share a computer with someone or are using a computer in a public place.

  1. How to update, correct or delete your information:

You are responsible for keeping your registration information complete and up to date. To update your registration information, log into your Brute Force Security Group account and make the desired change to change your user preferences.

  1. General provisions:

By using our website, you signify your agreement with this Privacy Policy, which may be amended from time to time. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, do not use our website or the services offered on it.

The Brute Force Security Group reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy, which will be notified to our users by reasonable means, including via email to the address provided and/or posting the notice and amended policy on the website. Brute Force Security Group .

Your continued use of our services and website after changes to the Privacy Policy means that you accept and agree to the changes made. Information collected and provided after the Privacy Policy has been updated will be governed by the latter.

Privacy Policy

Scope and purpose

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is applicable to GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY, this Policy applies to the processing of personal data of people who for some reason have provided their data to GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY, hereinafter referred to simply as “Holders”.

Our aim is to provide Holders with a general understanding of:

- Circumstances in which we collect and process your personal data

- Types of personal data we collect

- Reasons to collect your personal data

- How we treat your personal data

This Policy is aimed at our customers, employees, partners, service providers and the general public, and basically encompasses the ways in which we process personal data of these people.


To facilitate the understanding of some terms that we use in this Policy, we present some definitions below.

- Personal data: Any information related to a natural person, directly or indirectly, identified or identifiable;

- Sensitive personal data: Special category of personal data relating to racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, membership of a trade union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, relating to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data concerning to the natural person;

- Owner: Natural person to whom the personal data refer, such as customers, employees, contractors, business partners and third parties;

- Treatment: Any operation carried out with personal data, such as those referring to:

collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction;

- Anonymization: Process through which the data loses the possibility of association, directly or indirectly, with an individual, considering the reasonable technical means available at the time of treatment;

- Consent: Free, informed and unequivocal expression that authorizes the processing of personal data for a specific purpose.

Data Used

All of your personal information collected will be used to help make your visit to our website as productive and enjoyable as possible.

The guarantee of the confidentiality of the personal data of the users of our site is important for GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY.

All personal information relating to members, subscribers, customers or visitors using GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY will be treated in accordance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data - LGPD.

The use of the GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY website presupposes the acceptance of this Privacy Agreement. The BRUTE FORCE SECURITY GROUP team reserves the right to change this agreement without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend that you consult our privacy policy regularly so that you are always up to date.

The Cookie Notice applies to this Website owned and controlled by GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY in Brazil.

Data collect

When you enter this Site or view our targeted advertisements, we automatically collect data using Cookies.

The types of information we collect through Cookies include: IP address; device ID; pages viewed; information search; browser type; operational system; internet service provider; timestamp; Referral URL and location data depending on the device you use.

More about Cookies: Cookies are small pieces of electronic information that a website sends to the browser and are stored on the visitor's hard drive. We place cookies on your computer if you visit our website. If you are concerned about having Cookies on your device, you can configure your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is being set, allowing you to decide whether to accept or not. You can also delete Cookies on your device. However, if you choose to block or delete Cookies, certain features of the websites you visit may not function properly.

Processing Purposes

We use your information, including personal data, collected through Cookies for the following purposes:

  1. Provide use of our Site: We use information we collect through Cookies to enable you to use the Site. It is our legitimate business interest to use Cookies for this purpose.
  2. Perform data analysis related to the use of our services: We use information collected through Cookies to analyze how our Site is used and to prepare reports on the use of our Site. We also use Cookies to track your use of the Site and to improve your user experience and the quality of the Site. It is our legitimate business interest to use Cookies for this purpose.
  3. Delivering targeted advertisements: We use information collected through Cookies to pursue our legitimate interests in delivering targeted advertisements. Where necessary, we will obtain prior consent before Cookies are placed for this purpose. If consent is given, you can revoke it at any time. Furthermore, you can object to the processing of your personal data for advertising purposes at any time.
  4. Market research. We use information collected through Cookies to exercise our legitimate interests in participating in market research (such as analyzing market segmentation or trends, preferences and behaviors, researching products or services, or the effectiveness of marketing or advertising) or product development ( such as analyzing the characteristics of a market segment or group of customers or the performance on our Site, in order to improve our Site).

Data Sharing

Competent authorities: We disclose personal data to law enforcement and other government authorities to the extent required by law or strictly necessary for the prevention, detection or prosecution of criminal acts and fraud.

Data Security

BRUTE FORCE SECURITY GROUP uses the necessary and legally required resources to preserve the privacy of the personal data it collects. In this way, it adopts several precautions in compliance with current laws, such as:

- Uses standard and market methods to encrypt and anonymize collected data;

- It has protection against unauthorized access to its systems;

- It only authorizes the access of previously established persons to the place where the collected information is stored;

- Those who come into contact with personal data must commit to maintaining absolute confidentiality. The breach of confidentiality will result in civil liability and the person responsible will be held accountable in accordance with current legislation;

- Maintenance of the inventory indicating the moment, duration and identity of the person responsible for accessing the data;

- In addition to technical efforts, GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY also adopts institutional measures aimed at protecting personal data, so that it maintains a constantly updated privacy governance program.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY cannot fully guarantee that personal data are not subject to unauthorized access, perpetrated through methods developed to obtain information in an illegal manner, in which case, if this occurs, the GROUP BRUTE FORCE SECURITY will take all appropriate legal action against violators.

Additionally, GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY encourages the Holders to take appropriate measures to protect their personal data and their access passwords, given that such information is personal, non-transferable and the sole responsibility of the Holders.


Data Retention

In order to protect the privacy of the Holders, the personal data processed by GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY will be automatically deleted when they are no longer useful for the purposes for which they were collected, or when the Holder requests their elimination, unless their maintenance is expressly authorized by law. or applicable regulation, including statute of limitations.

However, the information may be kept for compliance with legal or regulatory obligations, transfer to third parties and exclusive use by the Company, including for the exercise of its rights in judicial or administrative proceedings.

Rights of the Holder

In compliance with current legislation, GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY will make the following information available to Holders, through its service channels and upon specific request:

- Confirmation of the existence of data processing;

- Access to data;

- Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;

- The anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or non-conforming data;

- The portability of your data to another service or product provider;

- The elimination of data, respects the legal, regulatory and contractual obligations in force;

- Information about the public or private entities with which GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY shares its data;

- Information about the possibility of not providing your consent, as well as being informed about the consequences, in case of refusal;

- Revocation of consent.

These rights may be exercised through a specific request through our service channels.

The Holder is aware that the exclusion of essential information for the management of his registration with GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY will imply the termination of the contractual relationship, with consequent cancellation of the services provided.

GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY will make the necessary efforts to respond to such requests in the shortest possible time, which, however, will depend on the complexity of the action requested, which may delay or prevent its rapid response.

The Holder must also be aware that their request may be legally rejected, either for formal reasons (such as their inability to prove their identity) or legal reasons (such as the request for the deletion of data whose maintenance is a legal obligation of the GROUP BRUTE FORCE SECURITY or the free exercise of its right).


If you have general questions about your registration or services provided by GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY, access our online Service Channels at

For specific questions about this Policy, including the use of personal data, cookies and other similar technologies, please contact our Data Officer by email atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


GRUPO BRUTE FORCE SECURITY is not responsible for the sending of emails by third parties, made on its behalf, with lying promises, false offers, fraudulent forms and/or any type of communication sent by third parties. If in doubt, contact us through the official channels indicated. Legislation This Policy will be governed, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especially Law No. of this document.